From a friend in Washington state...
Please pray for us Washington state citizens whose voices are drowned out by the liberal majority. We are in another shutdown that keeps getting more detailed... "No congregational singing" at least for the next 4 weeks even with masks, spacing, & a max of 25% building capacity allowed
I could not help but think of Paul and Silas in the Book of Acts...Remember how they were thrown in jail for preaching the Gospel. They were locked up and that did not stop them from singing their hearts out... to he Lord. Their example and faithfulness was more than fruitful.
Now before we hit the Pacific Northwest with our expressions of disbelief... remember how many congregations have closed their doors in the past right here in South Dakota. This is not about "tooting our own horns". We as Christ Followers have a responsibility to do God's calling.
The restrictions in Washington seem nearly silly. Certainly bordering on repressing the freedom of worship. And before we say "we must be respectful of government", realize the gathering to worship in song and preaching is not for government rather it is to God. What if we responded as Paul and Silas... ? Need to read the story.
"Give to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's." And a thought and a challenge... "Fill the place of worship... fill the jails"
Give the governing bodies that are placing such restraints a challenge to their thinking.
Again my post is my privilege to share my thoughts. I will not tolerate unkind comments or the attempt to "hijack" my post. And yes we will continue to pray for our brothers and sisters across the country.
A couple of other thoughts... A friend in New York State told me that there are more gun owners in his state than the votes received by their current radical governor. People need to vote. People need to take a stand. See what you get when you don't? Conservative Constitutionalists can only be counted when one takes a stand.
And please remember those that have been impacted by the called for measures... depression, economic pains, suicide, loneliness...
And have we forgotten all the other causes of illness, pain and death?