All photography members of the Reinhold Family
Since 1912
The Lonetree ranch had its beginning in the early 1900’s when Emanuel Reinhold, a Swede from Minnesota, met and married a young lady from a ranch along Rapid creek by the name of Hazel Jensen. They homesteaded on Lonetree Creek by a spring where a single cottonwood tree grew. This was in the midst of what had been some of the best open range country ever known, as the early cattlemen knew of the grass of western Dakota. The settlers or honyockers, as they were known, slowly pressed outfits such as the Cross S and the HO out of existence. Emanuel and Hazel followed a dream of beginning a family and establishing themselves in agriculture. Some of their first cows were shorthorns bred to Hereford bulls purchased from the Blair Brothers at Tilford. Soon Hereford cows replaced the shorthorns and became the predominant breed of the region. Neighbors on the east had already set themselves firmly upon the presence of Hereford cattle, as the post office nearby is named Hereford.
It is hard to refute the effective nature and the efficiency of the Hereford breed. The disposition, longevity and right down good beef were characteristics that went hand in hand with the native grass of the region. As Emanuel and Hazel saw their ranch grow in size along with their family of eight children, it was easy to see that the roots and faith in God were growing deeper as well.
In 1956 Marvin or as most people know him, Tige, and his new bride Vicky began taking over the leadership of the ranch.. The Hereford tradition continued. The desire for growing cattle with size and muscle was a priority. A good coat of hair has always been a desirable trait to maintain as it aids in winter hardiness. These desires led to developing a registered herd at which Tige and Vicky along with their four children enjoyed. The cattle were always worked as a family and this brought about a unity that taught a great work ethic. Feeding bulls and replacement heifers didn’t only build muscle, it taught responsibility.
Today Larry and Robin Reinhold run a commercial Hereford herd. Larry and Robin and their six children are continuing the time honored tradition and business principles of good Hereford cattle. A highlight for the family that has continued for generations is Hereford Day at the Black Hills Stock Show. For forty years school has been put on hold as the kids from the Lonetree Ranch have enjoyed and learned from the winter show.
Currently the ranch is using bulls from the Feddes family of western Montana. We also appreciate the bulls that we have from the Amdahl Ranch and Jim Baker of Piedmont, SD. In the last three years we have added a bull from Freidt Herefords of North Dakota and three more nice bulls from Fawcett's Elm Creek Ranch of Ree Heights, South Dakota. We believe these bulls will enable us to move our herd in a positive direction to match the market needs and yet will maintain the bottom line as well.
Along with the Lonetree Ranch, the family manages and operates the Rainbow Bible Ranch where youth come from over 18 states each year.
Our Mission
In this Land of Dakota, Good Horses Have Always been a Necessity. The Lonetree Ranch near Sturgis, SD is the home of Larry and Robin Reinholdand their children, Rachel, Molly, Danny, Caleb, Julia and Kiersten. We raise Quarter horses and Hereford cattle on the ranch in the breaks just east of the beautiful Black Hills. We count it a privilege to work together as a family. The Reinhold family continues on as another generation grows up here and learns what God really intended for mankind.
We feel confident that our pastures hold horses to meet your needs and expectations and cattle that will help make you successful in business. We welcome your calls and inquiries and would love to work together to match you up with stock that will fit YOU. We sell all our horses private treaty, right here at the ranch. We thoroughly enjoy getting to know the people who purchase our horses and stock and have made many good friends. We look forward to hearing from you.
The ranch is in Meade County which is South Dakota's largest county and is one of the top beef cow counties in the nation. The rangeland is ideal for cattle and the the region of Western Dakota, Eastern Montana, Eastern Wyoming along with Western Nebraska is noted for the best calves that show up in the feedlots. It is no wonder that you will find some of the best ranch raised Quarter horses as well.
South Dakota is the land of Infinite variety and no better can it be seen than right here in our area. Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial and the Badlands National Park are less than an hour away. The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally takes place every August and draws nearly 500,000 people. The historic Ft. Meade, home of Comanche for many years lies in the shadows of Bear Butte just to the northwest of the ranch. Ft. Meade was the first military outpost in the Black Hills. It was built in 1878 by the remaining troops of General Custer's 7th Cavalry to keep peace between the Lakota and Cheyenne Indians and prospectors. The fort is distinguished as having been the birthplace of the daily playing of the national anthem, 'The Star Spangled Banner.' Some of the fort's original buildings remain intact. Early Gold Rush towns such as Deadwood, Lead and Custer are still in existence today.
“Our heritage is... Our legacy shall be.”