Wonder of Lilacs

Are you overcome with the aroma?

We have three different locations of lilacs on the ranch. One group will blossom later than this beautiful lineup. These are a little later this year than sometimes is the case. Probably for good reason... our thermometer hit 27 degrees last nite. All said and done... "Who doesn't like lilacs?" I remember as a boy... my brothers and I bought Mom perfume that had the fragrance of lilac. I think she liked it... I know I sure did.


A little history on this long row south of RBR... They were transplanted in the early eighties. We dug these up as "suckers" from some other lilac bushes on the ranch. The row was nearly destroyed in a series of blizzards around 2009 -2011. With alot of pruning and time... they are again a delight to the senses.


Photos by Robin Lee Reinhold