Most agricultural operations in America are family owned and worked. All across the north country, farm and ranch families are working together along with friends and neighbors to get livestock out on grass.

Rachel thoroughly enjoys working with livestock. Here she is pulling some LA 200 into a syringe for a calf that is a little droopy. And no I did not cut myself shaving...I am just "wearing the day".

Of course Grandpa Tige was halfway to heaven as he watched the crew work together. We like to have fun with him whenever we run anything through the chute that isn't straight Hereford. We ran a Holstein Heifer, out of the milk cow, in and then asked him what he thought of her..."I don't like her!" 

Awh Dad, we knew you would say that. 

Danny is such a great big brother. It is such a joy to watch as your children grow and become capable in the different tasks on the ranch. "Thanks Son!"

The Lonetree Ranch and Rainbow Bible Ranch are very fortunate to have some top hands working with us. Levi, has a continuous desire to learn. Good Morning Levi and here is an "Atta Boy" to you.

Julia is becoming one fine cowgirl...Learning many life lessons as a stockman...or would that be a "stock girl"? I know that Robin and I are just very thankful that she is our girl. 

Another one of our guys, Derek Anderson. He is not just a hired hand. I count it a privilege to call him a co-worker.

Caleb and Molly Reinhold are a great team and they had an enjoyable time as we worked cattle in the chutes yesterday on the Lonetree Ranch.

We don't get to use the electric branding iron very often. It worked very in this project as the heifers were still carrying a lot of winter hair. Warm weather and green grass will sure shine up that hair coat.

Caleb Clark recently graduated from Lake Area Technical and is finishing up his internship with us. Caleb has actually spent many summers with us and we look forward to working together again this summer. We had a good time working cattle yesterday.

I believe that Kiersten will be an animal trainer someday. She shows an amazing aptitude in that way. Kiersten and Belle were decked out for the day and both were paying attention to their duties, as well.