
It has been a beehive of activity across the western USA in many agricultural operations. The dry warm weather has certainly allowed the family and crew on the Lonetree Ranch to kick things into high gear. Jason Morris and Danny Reinhold have worked over the disc and it has been in operation for the last day or so. Some of the kids are going to a branding this morning and the rest of the crew will try and finish up a major fencing project at the old Hans Henricks Place. Looking good.

Hans and Vesper Henricks homesteaded just north of the Reinhold family at about the same time over 100 years ago. They had four children...Homer, Howard, Cecil (Buck) and Alice. We now own their old homestead. Another couple of days and the fences and building will be really nice. This past winter we started working over the old house. It has been good.

Learning to work to together as a team is a huge part of the "education process" within our family as well as many other farm and ranch families. Good job Kids.

Learning to work to together as a team is a huge part of the "education process" within our family as well as many other farm and ranch families. Good job Kids.