Caleb said to me as we were planting today, "Boy, Dad... There’s a lot of hills out there".

It was a beautiful day to be studying God's creation with our kids.

In August 2013 we discovered some Sand Cherries (Prunus besseyi) up at the top of the breaks. I had tried planting them near the home place years ago to no avail... just too much gumbo. However, up by the peak are some sand and gravel veins. We figured it was worth the effort to try and increase the potential of this very tasty berry. Today we planted Sand Cherries.

Our other tree planting project for April 10, 2014 was on a more somber note. Near the location of the burial of our Rainbow Bible Ranch camp horses, we planted trees as a testament to their service and a testimony to God's continual provision. Certainly these last six months have been challenging times... but also amazing times. Today we planted 50 pine and will add 140 Rocky Mountain Juniper in upcoming weeks. This is not to idolize these horses, but rather to memorialize an event that has left a marked impression on our family and community. We will continue to "Just Trust" and will ever be awed by how God uses testings to bring us into a closer understanding of His will and an appreciation of His steadfast love in the midst of a struggling world.