So give me a stretch of plain
As far as the eye can see.
Then behind a flowing mane,
Well mounted you will find me.
I will race the clouds on high
With the wind running by my side.
Upon a mighty steed , I'll fly.
Will be more than a dream, I ride.
Yonder distance the clouds disappear.
The hoofbeats too will grow faint.
The challenge has erased all fear,
To the horizon there is no restraint.
I will return, show no remorse.
Each passing cloud will bring another
I've thoroughly enjoyed this far flung course
And that fine horse I rode, has a brother.
Larry B. Reinhold February 27, 2015
Springtime Hope
Don't let the windy cold days of winter erase the springtime hope in your heart.
Larry B. Reinhold
Photo by Robin Lee Reinhold