LoneTree Ranch hereford cattle on the range. We are so thankful that we had sufficient moisture to grow grass this summer. Western South Dakota is in the midst of a region known as "hard grass" country. The wheatgrasses, grama grasses, and buffalo grass are just a few of the plants that make this such amazing range country. The grass cures out and holds a high amount of protein and nutrients even into the fall and winter months.
Thanksgiving at the Brovants
When Robin and I started going together and before we could marry... I had to be "tested and approved" by some nieces and nephews. It was quite an event to make the grade with Brenda. That little girl of some "twenty-some" years ago has not only become "my niece" but such a special friend as well. So proud of this young wife and mother. Brenda... "You did a great job hosting Thanksgiving around your dining room table. Oh, and thanks for giving the OK sign to your Aunt Robin so many years ago that this "Larry guy" would do."
I was blessed to watch the sunrise and the sunset from one of my favorite places on the Ranch today, and I was left in absolute awe of the beauty. I was also able to take a walk through one of our pastures while following some deer, and I found myself fascinated with the small things we often miss... little rocks, the variety of grasses and different vegetation, a tiny little cactus, and the unique lay of the land. I once again was in awe of the simple beauty. As we got to the top of the breaks I took in the more "noticeable" things... the distant Black Hills, the almost full moon, and the colorful sunset. And wow. Can I just say we have an absolute AMAZING and creative God. From the smallest little stone, to the biggest mountain, His creation is beautiful.
I was then reminded of Gods unbelievable care and love for His children... and not just the big moments or hardest times, He also cares for the smallest little details of our lives. And that's not all... He WANTS us to share ALL of these moments with Him. The good, bad, ugly, exciting or painful. Because He cares. Always.
Trust Him. He made the earth, the universe, and YOU. Absolutely nothing is to big or small for our powerful, loving God.
November has always been my favorite month. Deer Season. Maybe it is because of some the really nice deer we have been able to harvest on our place over the years. Some great bucks!
Or maybe more than anything it is the memories made and the people they were made with. From early mornings opening day, to being piled in the old white pickup with Dad, Lucas, Jason, Joel and Molly when I was 7 and freezing cold! To crawling up with sights on my first deer when I was 13 with my Dad and little brothers and sister. Or driving along the draw looking for Dad’s awesome Whitetail! Or last year when my cousin came back to hunt with us after almost 15 years and was there when I got my first Whitetail after we crawled for MILES! Eating “hunting cookies” while driving around counting deer and hearing stories of seasons past. Being there with my brothers and sister when they all got their first deer, or the morning of my 18th birthday when I shot my dream buck! I had shot him and trailed the blood trail for a long time until we lost it and decided to do chores and then go back and look again. That’s when Dad, Don, Austin, Sydney and Shannon came and told me they found him! Or driving out to Grandpa’s house to show him our “trophies” and hearing him say “Oh my goodness! Good for you!”
These are the memories that I will cherish forever. This is Deer Season. This is Hunting.
It’s not the results, it’s the time spent together enjoying God’s Creation in this land we call Home. I am so thankful!
Gathering from the West Pasture... shipping the steer calves tomorrow and weaning and keeping the heifer calves. Always a bittersweet time... We really enjoy the cattle and like seeing the calves from birth to weaning... But it is "harvest time" in Cattle Country.
Winding down the trail....
Working cattle, weaning calves, loading cattle... Yes, today found my thoughts winding down many trails with in my mind. One trail was marked by gratitude. Grateful for the blessings... Calves looked good. Getting a fair price for the steers. Things went smooth and safe. Thankful for a conscientious buyer of our livestock. And most of all, I thank God that I was able to do all this with Robin and our children by my side. And one trail was marked by memories... the generations of family that had experienced this on the Lonetree Ranch for over a century. Yes, some memories are recent and in "vivid color" and some seem to only run in "black and white". And yes... I couldn't help but hear my Dad's voice and hear his comments about his cows and calves, his children and their horses, about his appreciation for his good wife, Vicky, who was his best friend.
The Reinhold family so enjoys the company and fellowship Shane and Melissa Finn along with their children Kahler, Abby and now little Elijah. They ranch in the Arpan area of Butte County, South Dakota. They run their Red Angus herd on some pretty big range country. The calves looked good and we had a good morning to ride. The wind came up in the afternoon and the dust and tumble weeds blew through the corrals. Calves were sorted off and given a shot and wormed.
Photos by Robin Reinhold
Another Hunting Story
The boys and I went hunting today and they were able to bag two sharp tail grouse. It was a beautiful afternoon and evening and we all saddled up and rode out over west to the Johnson Pasture (named after the original homesteading family). We took out a few pairs and also found two more new calves. Pretty much done with the fall calving. Rode back after sunset and just enjoyed each other's fellowship astride some pretty good horses. Feeling blessed...rather, "I know we are blessed."
Reminds of the old song...
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God has done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
*Count your many blessings, see what God has done.
[*And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.]
The Craig Boys
New owners of some fine colts. Danner and Drason Craig... We have no doubt that you both will do a fine job in developing these colts into nice saddle horses. Thanks guys.
Thanking God
It was sure a pretty evening. Thanking God.
Football at Murdo
Our expedition in the Ford Expedition to Jones County to watch Danny's last HS football game.
The skylines of these football games... Norman Rockwell would have had a great time here
I am sure thankful for our sons.
Shipping Time
I-90 heading east... we were heading west after the football game in Murdo. I am sure we met over 50 cattle trucks heading to the feedyards. Of course, I love this. We live in midst of some of the best cattle country in the world stocked with some of the best cattle. With sales up the line at St. Onge and Billings and perhaps other livestock auctions as well. I know that this photo is blurry, but I just had to put it on