it is more than cattle... It is the people.


Rally Day has been a spring tradition in Meade County, South Dakota for decades. It is a time for rural students from across South Dakota's largest county to gather and take part in various track and field events. From kindergarten to eighth grade, boys and girls enjoy the friendly competition and the great fellowship. Julia and Kiersten Reinhold are the fifth and sixth children in our family to enjoy the activities.

Mrs. Bev Rosenboom has been organizing the event over the last years. She is the lady behind the microphone. Mr. Cal Corey is at the starting line. He is a long time coach and mentor to many young people. Mr. Corey was my brother, Lee's coach for track in the late 70's. I know they had mutual respect for each other. The races today began with the short distance.


Working together... Yes, the old adage of "Work together to get tasks accomplished" is true. However more is accomplished than just finishing a job. The unity that is achieved and the sense of responsibility to one another is huge. It can be life altering. And for a family the these goals should be a priority.

Another gorgeous evening on the ranch... We had spent much of our day in town at the final track meet of the season. It was actually Rally Day, where many of the rural kids from around Meade County get together to compete and have fun. We knew that many projects awaited us, however when we returned home to the ranch. This project is also a labor of love. The site that we were planting was also the burial place for many of our good old saddle horses that perished during Storm Atlas in October 2013. We had planted trees the following the year to mark the spot where so many had died. The junipers are doing OK, but the pine have been decimated by the deer. The decision was made to replant and this time we will build a fence around the new trees. Yes lots of emotion and memories here. It is such a good example of going through trials and realizing God's sustaining love and how we keep pressing on and sometimes just trying again is the best we can do.

To end the evening, we had a picnic supper. As a family, we accomplished our tree planting chores at the site and now as a family we accomplished fellowship with each other with the amazing panoramic view of God's creation. Yes, more was accomplished than we will realize. 


After a long winter, when it seemed that spring would never arrive, our senses were certainly taken captive this evening.  The birds were singing in this sea of green. The sweetpeas in the midst of our table and the food smelled amazing. Robin prepared Salisbury Steak and made a cake with the first rhubarb of the season, as well. Later, Rachel started a bonfire, and yes there were even marshmallows that needed roasting. Danny, Caleb and I were able to identify several stars, with names that seemed unpronounceable. It was nice to easily point out the "evening stars" which were the planets, Jupiter and Venus. The only other sounds that broke our silence, was the loud rumble of a B-1 bomber on it's way to the Powder River "Range" where it's crew were honing their skills for in the art of battle. it was a nice evening... one that left you thankful for many blessings.


From a piece by Sam Levenson to his daughter:
"I even suggested several time-tested inexpensive beauty hints:"
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you will never walk alone.

Through the Window Panes....

Photo of Julia at about a year old and cousin Laura.

Julia and I are sitting in the living room right now... mostly quiet...reflective. Julia says to me, " When I woke up this morning, I lay in bed looking up at the window. And you know the panes that kind of look like tic tac toe... Each one held a memory of Laura and when I got to the last two, I could picture Laura in the car accident, but the last one I could see her walking through the gates of heaven into the arms of Jesus.

Julia Lee Reinhold reflecting on the home going of her dear cousin Laura Chord


For a number of years our family has been able to assist the Dobesh family of Belle Fourche, South Dakota with their branding. The  fellowship is sweet. Thank you Frank, Dane and Krisie for your friendship. Rachel, Molly, Danny, Caleb, Julia and Kiersten along with Kohler Finn along with the Dobesh Crew were a pleasure for Robin and me to work with

Photos by Kiersten, Rachel and Robin Reinhold

Frank Dobesh banding one of many good Hereford calves with Danny and Mark holding.


During the drought of 2016, as the landscape was drying up and all the grass was turning brown, we noticed a strip of alfalfa that stayed green. It was located a distance from the current stream bed of Lonetree Creek which was completely dry. 

Caleb and I took the skid steer and put on the auger that would drill nearly five feet deep. We had a suspicion that there was water below the surface, but had no idea how deep. Knowing that alfalfa roots can grow very deep was our clue. We drilled numerous holes some dry... and some we hit gravel,sand and then water. Four feet down in a meandering fashion, we had found the ancient stream bed of Lonetree Creek.  We continued to follow the path. In 2017 we put in cottonwood cuttings. We had some success, but due to extreme 100 degree weather, some of them did not make it. However, some did

This year we made our cutting earlier and have been fortunate to have cooler weather.

I will write more on this project. As of now we have 50 very nice cuttings in the ground in a satisfactory manner.

I enjoy doing these projects with family. Hopefully some of the trees will live and the next generation of Reinhold will have stories to tell to their children. 


This past week was like 180 degrees from the previous week and then today the temperature went into the 80s. That warmth was nearly hard on the livestock as they have not shed their winter coats, but the warmth and sunshine sure made the grass grow. Most of western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming needs more moisture and the weatherman says me get some today.

Molly went out and captured some gorgeous scenes this evening. The day has been quite breezy and there is a cold front coming in. In the area there were some occurrences of thunderstorms. All in all... the sky was amazing. Welcome to the ranch in photos. 

This has been our welcoming message for nearly 40 years. Photos by Molly Reinhold

Ranch Kids from Meade County

Love how these kids have so much fun together. A bunch of ranch kids from across Meade County, South Dakota get together at the most, once a week to practice. They show up at the track meet and pour their hearts out. Good job kids

Julia was our family's participant in the track meet in Wall, South Dakota this afternoon. It was windy and rainy event. She came home all smiles, however. First one this year that the kids have been able to attend due to weather cancellations.

Moisture Update

Just an update on the moisture situation here at the ranch. Even with the good moisture that we received in the past months, the evidence is obvious how dry our area was and is. Most of the water continues to go down rather than runoff. We believe the grass and hay situation will be much improved over last year... but this area still remains dry. Our hopes for more runoff into the Big Dam did not come to pass since so much soaked in. The rain that came this past few days resulted in .20" here. Please continue to pray with us that the water levels be replenished. It has been a long dry spell throughout this area.

Happy Birthday Danny 2018

Robin and I realize the blessings that God has entrusted to us. Today our oldest son turns 18. "Yes, the Marine Corp has been calling..."

Danny, we have admired for so many years your willingness to serve the Lord working with kids and famiies, even when your peers are participating in other teenager activities.

Danny... Mom and I love you and we are proud of you. Danny... you are a wonderful "big brother". And we are thankful that we get to call you Son.


We certainly enjoyed Mrs. Elvira Nickel's piano students and the recital on Sunday. Julia and Kiersten did a fine job as did all the other students. It was a beautiful day and our family extends our heartfelt thanks to Mrsl Nickel and husband Dick, for all they have poured into our family over the years.