Quite a Story
Great job Molly Reinhold. It is certainly a Dad's special moment to hunt with his children...and you did this one so well. I watched as you slipped up on this buck and doe as they hid in the elm trees. One shot with that little saddle gun, a 30-30 Winchester model 94. Of course, we all were whispering prayers in the endeavor and so it made sense to offer a prayer of thanks and appreciation after the successful hunt. Again as a Dad, I was certainly touched as I listened to Molly pray. She thanked the Lord for the opportunity to hunt, to be a steward of the land and God's creation and then she thanked God for the life of the deer as well. Outdoorsmen of integrity will understand this prayer of thanksgiving.
Quite a story behind that rifle. I was with my brother, Lyle, when he bought that gun in a little gun shop on Main Street in Rapid City about 40 years ago. He then sold it to me, when we were both at Montana Institute of the Bible in Lewistown. He wanted to buy a set of Bible commentaries as he was preparing to go into the camping ministry. Yes, I bought them as he needed the money to satisfy his love of books.
After my brother's death, Dad and Mom thought that I would benefit from having Lyle's collection of books. I have. And a couple of years ago, I thought that Molly Anne would benefit and appreciate a certain special rifle. Obviously she has. I am sure that my brothers, her uncles, would enjoy hearing and sharing hunting stories. Miss Molly,this one will be a good one to pass on.