Lonetree Ranch

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Country School on the Ranch

The Morse Creek School located on the Lonetree Ranch where all the Emanuel and Hazel Reinhold Childern attended. This was 1942. Pictured l-r: Tige Reinhold, Dorothy Reinhold Gapp, The Martinson kids from over on Antelope Creek and Ruth Reinhold Humke.

The school was originally built over west between the Reinholds and the Fredolph Johnson family. It was later moved south to the top of the breaks along the winter passage of the Old Fort Pierre Deadwood Trail.

An interesting note... This was the Morse Creek School not to be confused with the Morris Creek School toward Tilford. The location of Morse Creek is not certain, but was probably a dry draw or ravine that would flood seasonally. The story goes that a well known Stockman named Corb Morse, whose ranch headquarters was in Rapid Valley went to look at some horses north of Rapid City. He set out into the gumbo in his old Ford and got stuck. A couple of cowboys on horseback were able to pull him out of what they dubbed Morse Creek... Who knows for sure. Corb Morse died in Rapid City in 1940 and is buried at the Mountain View Cemetery. You can go to the Journey Museum in Rapid City to learn more about this legendary cattleman of the late 1800's and early 1900's.