It’s one of those days that my head hurts so bad I can’t think straight. Let alone see straight.
I didn’t sleep last night and had the craziest dreams in the couple hours that i did have my eyes closed.
The first thing Dad told me when I saw him this morning was some very sad news about a friend.
My heart fell and suddenly the dream I had was replaying in my mind.
I was on a ship. In the middle of the ocean. And it was storming. I think we were captives of some sort. And one from our group had been thrown overboard. I begged for someone to save him. And finally the “captain” or whoever he was- said that I could be “thrown over to help him.”
“Why do you want to save him?” He shouted.
“Because I love him! Because I care!”
“So go save him.” he said.
“But... I can’t swim..........Please send someone in who can...”
I’m not sure what happened next. But I woke up after being thrown over.
But someone else was there as well.... Who could swim. With a lifeboat.
Where that dream came from I have no idea. But maybe it has a lesson. Maybe we need to be a lifeline. Maybe we need to tell our story. Maybe we need to be willing to go into the storms... where instead of swimming... Jesus helps us walk on the water. Where Jesus is the lifeboat. There’s a lot of lost people out there struggling in the darkest nights who need to know that Jesus loves them. That there is hope. But all to often we come up with excuses.
“God, I don’t speak well!”
“God, I’m not good at that.”
“God, someone else would be better.”
If you’re a Christian you may not be called to “full time ministry”. As far as maybe working in Africa as a Missionary full time or as a Pastor. But if you’re a Christian then we absolutely are fully called to ministry. If we don’t have a heart for ministry then we have too soon forgotten what God has done for us. How He saved us. And that’s not fair to those in the ocean searching for hope.
I don’t care if you feed cows in the middle of nowhere or if you ride an elevator everyday with a bunch of strangers.
Be there. Listen. Call. Text. Tell them about Jesus. Love them. Like Jesus loves us all.