Lonetree Ranch

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Thanks Mom

I have shared with you my Irish heritage by way of my Grandma Bangert, who came over from Ireland as a young lass. But my favorite Irish lady, was my mom...half Irish i suppose. She loved life and she made sure that this day and every day was special. This photo was taken by Canyon Lake around the time that my mom and dad (Tige and Vicky Reinhold) were married. She loved her family and she loved Jesus.

St. Patrick’s Day brings special memories for me and not just the celebration of the holiday. For on March 17th as an eight year I received the precious gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. I remember the evening very well. Mom was washing dishes in the kitchen and my heart was quite troubled with unanswered questions. I squeezed into the corner near where she stood. It was between the old refrigerator and the flour bin. I told Mom of my concerns and she immediately dried her hands off and called to Dad. We then went into the back bedroom and visited and they shared Scriptures with me and then we prayed together. I am grateful for my parents and I am oh so grateful for my Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.