Lonetree Ranch

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This picture here holds a story.... As I was riding out in the rain this morning to get some cows in before it started snowing. I was overwhelmed with a flood of memories from "the storm" (a.k.a The Atlas Blizzard of 2013) The weather today reminds me SO much of what it was like before Atlas. I also rode to get cows the night it started raining in October. As I was thinking of so many memories, I rode by three cows that had died in Atlas. 
Just another reminder of one of the hardest weeks of my life. It's easy to worry about will happen in a storm. But we must remember that we serve a BIG God and He will take care of us through whatever happens! But we must JUST TRUST! Please pray for safety for the livestock and all those that are in the path of this weather. And we must remember to thank God for the moisture!