

Net wt 250 lbs (114 kg)

SweetPro 16 is a recommended product for
BeefDairy, Bison and Goa

All natural protein supplement for heifers, brood cows, stocker cattle and goats. 

SweetPro® 16 protein supplement is designed for the essential fortification of heifers, brood cow, stocker cattle and goat requirements for vitamins A, D and E plus protein, calcium, phosphorus and trace elements including selenium. Daily intake will vary depending on forage quality and nutritional needs.

SweetPro blocks support calving and clean-up. Stronger calves pay bigger dividends. SweetPro blocks are an effective tool to support breed-back. Organic complexed (chelated) minerals plus extra energy are known to support first service conception rates. Using SweetPro blocks at weaning reduces calf weight loss by reducing weaning stress and cows consistently wean heavier, “growthy” calves without risk of discounts for “fat” calves.

Heifers and Their Nutritional Needs
The SweetPro 16 block is often called, the “heifer block” because of its effectiveness helping the heifer continue her growth and maturity while nursing a calf and conceiving a second. This is the toughest nutritional scenario for a beef herd. A key tool is a program that allows the heifer to get maximum energy value from non-starch substrates. When you maximize the value of forage, you minimize the need for extra grain (starch) as an energy supplement. Grain is great for putting finish on cattle but not frame. And the heifer is still growing her own frame at this time.

In SweetPro blocks, there’s virtually no starch or sugar and minimal NSC (non-structural carbohydrate). Instead, the focus is on complex (structural) carbohydrate and high by-pass protein value in the distillers grain carrier. We then emphasize a top quality vitamin and mineral package with organic complexed trace minerals to maximize bioavailability. Your cattle not only get the extra benefit of the supplement’s ingredients, but they also get excellent feed efficiency. When heifers get excellent feed efficiency on forage they do better and their calves are stronger. Fertility is supported because her own needs are being met and nature says she’s okay to have another calf without waiting extra heat cycles to replenish body stores.

Calving and Weaning
We recommend feeding SweetPro blocks four to six weeks ahead of putting out the bulls to raise the cow’s/heifer’s plane of nutrition with a fertility-enhancing flushing benefit, and to support the likelihood of conception on the first service.

Another very efficient time for SweetPro supplementation is just before weaning to counter cows being pulled down by big calves and replenish body condition going into winter. The cows/heifers will give more milk and calves also lick the tubs for their own “double” benefit. For best results and calves averaging 60 to 80 lbs heavier at weaning, use SweetPro tubs all year. 

The expected range of consumption is from 0.75 to 1.25 lbs (.34 to .56 kg) per head per day.

CAUTION: Contains 600 ppm copper • DO NOT FEED TO SHEEP • Do not use in association with another feed containing supplemental selenium.
